Tuned in Travel: The Story Behind The Brand-New Face.

Why we rebranded Tuned In Travel
Rebranding is not an easy task to undertake, it leaves marketers and designers constantly asking questions like “What if we were wrong about our target demographic?” and “What if our audience doesn’t like it?”
Overthinking can be a huge side-effect of any major rebranding exercise, especially for an already successful company.  So if things are going well for us, why change? 
The answer is simply this: Because we can.
This statement in itself is exactly the attitude we want to portray in the new branding. Not only bringing tuned in travel into 2023, but also bring it forward with a “brand new” attitude. 
Reasons we rebranded tuned in Travel
1.     We have grown as a company
 Believe it or not, Tuned in Travel is only 5 years old. Founded in 2018 to help solve the issue of complicated festival transportation for customers by giving them a flexible one stop service from all over the UK so nobody misses out on a gig again. 
However, since then, the festival industry has been impacted massively from the aftermath of COVID-19 and has changed the industry and its customers in ways that nobody could have anticipated. So, it’s only natural that we change with it. 
2.     We want to target a new generation of festival goers
A lot has changed over the past few years and one of those are a new generation of festival goers. People who were only young teenagers back in 2018 are now adults with their own needs and wants and are now our potential customers.
3.     We wanted a fresh new style
While this one sounds a bit vague, it’s one of the most important reasons why we wanted to change.
Being in an industry that’s heavily influenced by art and music. There is always going to be a natural shift in trends and ideas. The old brand just didn’t hit the mark when it came to overall creative aesthetic. So, we needed to keep up with the forever moving market.
4.    The website needed to be easier to use

When we began this journey, our website was more than five years old. While that’s not ancient when it comes to the web, it had some critical features that needed to be reworked or completely overhauled, and when that level of work is required, it’s often better to start fresh. Plus, our old site no longer felt consistent with web design best practices of today.
There was a point where we considered keeping the previous branding and simply updating the website, but it wasn’t long before we realised that everything needed to be completely refreshed.